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PWCP - IV (engl.)

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PWCP - IV (engl.) Empty PWCP - IV (engl.)

Сообщение автор Algimantas Ср Июн 08, 2011 6:20 pm

Of the fourth personal world championship of problems
(PWCP-IV), Middle problems section.
1. The Fourth Personal World Championship of Problems, Middle problems section
(PWCP-IV), is an official world championship of the World Draughts Federation (Fédération
Mondiale du Jeu de Dames - FMJD). The FMJD bears the ultimate responsibility for this world
championship. The FMJD Board of Directors (CD) charged the composition commission
(Commission du Problemisme International – CPI FMJD) with organizing and control of the
2. The championship period – from 1st of June 2011 till 1st of June 2012.
The PWCP-IV is carried out according to the CPI FMJD International Rules (RI) for
problems (Part I) and for competitions (Part II).
3. Allowed to the championship are middle problems (without Kings in initial position)
which correspond to levels either “Règles de Maîtres” (RM), or "Règles Supérieures“(RS). The
middle problems which correspond to the “Règles de Base” (RB) level only are not allowed.
New middle problems and also middle problems published and/or took part in any
competition after 31 of March 2003 are allowed.
Team or cooperative participation is forbidden. Improved problems which received “0”
points in previous championships are not allowed to the championship.
4. The PWCP-IV is carried out in four categories. In all middle problems Whites start to
play and win.
The PWCP-IV categories have the following conditions:
4.1. Category A. The number of pieces is: 8?10, 9?10, 10?9, 10?10. The theme is
4.2. Category B. The number of pieces in initial position are not less than 10 pieces of
one party (also allowed 8x10), maximum are 12 pieces for each party. The theme:
the short end game position: the final is D46/D5 or D5/D46. The final could be
reached as after final strike of Whites (after combination) and as result of end
Example 1: A.Stuurman, J.Viergever 6-8-10-12-14-18-19-26-29-34-39-40/11-17-21-27-
31-32-37-38-41-42-43-45 16(21),22,27,28,31,21,3,41,5+
Example 2: V.Matus 1-27-28-31-32-33-36-39-40-43/6-10-11-16-19-21-23-41-42-47-48
7,427,29,11,1,36,41,43(5 A),46+ A(46),5+
4.3. Category C. The number of pieces is 10?12, 10?11, 11?11, 11?12, 12?11,
12?12. The theme is free.
4.4. Category D. The number of pieces of the parties in initial position are not less than
10 pieces of one party (also allowed 8x10), maximum are 12 pieces for each party.
The theme: a victim of the White King on the majority during the combination.
Example 1: S.Perepelkin 9-13-17-22-26-27-31-36-37-38/16-18-23-28-30-33-39-42-44-
46-48 43,24,41,3,8,17,36+.
5. In each category a participant can offer not more than two compositions, indicating
the competition category and the full solution till the moment when Whites win without any
doubt. Solution should be given in a short form with indicating only compositional variants and
compositional false directions and, if necessary, proof of initial position’s legality. The
coordinator gives these solutions in publication on websites or another mass media. At the
same time participant can give additional (non-combinational) variants, proofs of the only
solution, indicate why that or another black piece is not a figurant and so on in separate addition
to solution. Such additions are sent to the judges by the coordinator but not published with
6. Results of PWCP-IV.
For the places which middle problems take will be given points:
the first place – 100 points, the second place – 97 points, the third place – 94 points, the forth
place – 92 points, the fifth place – 90, the sixth place – 88, the seventh place – 87 points and
so on minus one point. Elimination of participating compositions (0 points) is only allowed when
based upon objective criteria as described in the RI.
7. The individual score of participant of the PWCP-IV will be determined according to
the sum of his five best performances, irrespective of the category. This means that the points
of all the compositions of each participant in all four categories of the championship will be
taken into account.
8. Ranking of the competitors when the points as described in point 7 are equal:
8.1. Score sum of the 6 best performances;
8.2. Score sum of the 7 best performances;
8.3. Score sum of the 8 performances.
9. The winner of the championship in Middle problems section will be given the World
champion title; he will be awarded with a golden medal and a CPI FMJD diploma. The number
two and three of the total scores are awarded with silver and bronze medals accordingly and
In addition, the prize money is established as follows:
- For the I-st place – 300 US dollars;
- For the II-nd place – 200 US dollars;
- For the III-d place – 100 US dollars.
10. The jury composed of A.Spijkstra (Holland), M.Sabater (France), ?.Kaciuska
(Lithuania), N.Grushevsky (Belarus), I.Ivatsko (Ukraine), A.Nagumanov (Russia) is
formed for the direct carrying out of the PWCP-IV.
Victor Shulga (Belarus) is appointed the championship coordinator.
11. The championship participants are asked to send their middle problems by
ordinary post mail (desirable with the mail notification of delivery for the avoidance of doubt) or
by email but in that case problems should be sent also by ordinary post mail, till October
1st, 2011 at the address of the championship coordinator. The date of sending is fixed by
post stamp. The participants can indicate their emails if they have them.
The Coordinator address: Belarus, 220051 Minsk-51, PO Box 52.
E-mail: [Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть эту ссылку]
The World Championship Regulations, preliminary and final results of PWCP-IV, Middle
problems section, will be published at the websites:
FMJD site: [Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть эту ссылку]
TAVLEI (http:// [Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть эту ссылку]
Eric van Dusseldorp site: [Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть эту ссылку]
Miljenko Lepsic site: [Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть эту ссылку]
Vladimir Matus
The CPI President
1st of June, 2011


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